LAND UTILIZATION Land is a scarce resource, whose supply is fixed for all practical purposes. At the same time, the demand for land for various competing purposes is continuously increasing with the increase in human population and economic growth.Land use pattern at any given time is determined by several factors including size of human and livestock population, the demand pattern, the technology in use, the cultural traditions, the location and capability of land, institutional factors like ownership pattern and rights scale regulation. Major Types of Land Utilization in India : As in all other countries, land in India is put to various uses. The utilization of land depends upon physical factors like topography, soil and climate as well as upon human factors such as the density of population, duration of occupation of the area,land tenure and technical levels of the people.There are spatial and temporal difference in land utilization due to the continued interplay of phys...
General aggreement on tariffs and trade GATT
The GATT emerged in Havana in the year 1947-48 as the allied owners thought of having a liberal world trading system after World War 2nd.Fifty three nations drew up and signed a charter for Establishing International Trade Organisation ITO . But due to the negligence of Havana centre by Congress , it never came into existence. Simultaneously, 23 nations agreed to continue extensive tariffs and trade. This was signed on October 30, 1947 and came into force from January 1,1948 when other nations had also signed it. In the year 1995 ,GATT disappeared and passed into history when it was merged in the World Trade Organization .
GATT was a multilateral treaty which had been signed by 96 government known as contracting parties. It was multinational treaty which covered 80% of world trade. It was decision making body with a code of rules for conduct of International Trade, and mechanisms for trade liberalisation. The contracting parties meet from time to time and discuss and solve their trade problems and negotiate to enlarge their trade. The headquarters of GATT is at Geneva . It's function was to call international conferences to decide on trade liberalisation on multilateral trade .
a)To follow unconditional most favoured nation MFN principles.
b) To carry on trade on the principle of non - discrimination , reciprocity and transparency.
c)To grant protection to domestic industry through tariffs only.
d)To liberalise tariff and non tariff measures through multilateral negotiations.
The aim of GATT was to raise standard of living, ensure full employment through steadily growing effective demand and real income, develop fully the resources of the world and expand the production and exchange of goods in global level.
a) To ensure non discrimination, Article 1 dealt with unconditional MFN clause for all import and export duties.
b)The most fundamental component of GATT was a negotiated balance of mutual tariff concession among contracting parties.
c)Article 11 of agreement restricted use of quantitative trade restrictions to trade.
d)Article 21 of GATT provided emergency safeguard code that can help in imposing tariff or quota to restrain imports.
e)Under GATT dispute settlement procedures complaints could be brought against actions that violated rules of General Agreement.
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