Capitalism is that part of the economics where there is no role of government agencies. The sole supe power of capitalism is in the hands of private owners. This means that if private is working on the behalf of government, instead of social welfare, their main objective is to have profits.
Lack of intervention of government.
Role of private firms.
Role of price mechanisms.
Encourages innovation
Efficient firm incentives
Consumers can choose services of their choice.
Prevents government from interrupting.
Creates climate of innovation and economic expansion.
Helps in increasing GDP.
Firms can gain monopoly power.
Externalities damages the environment.
Prone to boom and bust in the economic cycles.
Inequality creates social division.
Capitalist market crashes causes economic downturn , uneven business cycles.
There is difficulty in mobilising unprofitable sector into profitable sectors.
By taking advantage of poor , making them work under private legacy and providing them with low wages.
By getting price under the control of capitalism ,creating inequalities between rich and poor.
Workings appear to work entirely for the benefit of capitalist ,selling their labor to them .
Capitalist uses their privileged position to exploit poor.
Poorer under Capitalism are just paid enough just to cover up their basic necessities.
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